Thursday, October 4, 2012
FILM... the importance of Watching Film
Im sure it is the same for all coaches, the most important thing is that WE DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE TEAM. There are several different ways to accomplish the same goals, the challenge is finding the formula that suits your players.
I try to do two things in my daily practice plan:
1. Reinforce the things we already do well.
2. Challenge ways we already do things, constant change/tweaking.
I became OBSESSED with film a few years ago when I was at Emerson. I learned when executed with purpose film can extremely beneficial. I have learned to use film to help my team and my players individually improve.
Experience is our greatest teacher, we go out there and learn something new every day. Now we have the opportunity to learn even more from our experiences because we can recap it all on FILM. As coaches we try to avoid the digression of players and that point where our team stagnates. A total killer is when returns start to diminish and attention spans are lost, this can happen with film. If we have the proper INTENT (why we show film) we will be progress. If we have the proper CONTENT (what we watch) we will keep their attentions. If we have the proper ENVIRONMENT (where we watch film) we can execute with purpose. If we have the right MOMENT (when we show film) our team will get better.
A player should want to watch film to:
"FILM DOESN'T LIE", we have all heard that line and we have all lived that line.
Destructive to Youth Athletics
Mike Matheny Letter To Parents
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
My Last #Emerson Speech
Monday, August 6, 2012
Off Season Mentality
- Make strengths even stronger. They are what separate players. Nothing wrong with having a specialty. Being a great shooter, or a great defender, or a great passer is invaluable. Better to be great at one thing than average at several.
- Work on weaknesses that actually matter. If a weakness isn’t preventing you from maximizing your role on your team (or playing at the next level), it shouldn’t warrant much of your time. Every player needs to be able to go right and left. Not every player needs to be able to shoot 3’s or play post defense. Not all weaknesses need to be addressed.
- Don’t rush progress. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. But eventually, you will have to ‘run.’ And you will have to run at game speed against live defense. Prepare accordingly. 1 on 0 drills will only get you so far. Drill to improve game performance, not to get better at doing drills!
Summer Hoops
For 6 weeks we practices basic fundamentals, full court dribbling lines, catching and passing, motor skill, bring able to finish in motion etc. Dribbling are the most boring yet necessary drills for these younger kids. If a coach spots a kid being able to go coast to coast with total ball control, that coach is going to play that kid. Catching and Passing is the most forgot about fundamental, if you cannot catch the ball or make a pass - where do you think your going? Right on the bench, next to me. "Hey see the other team... don't pass them the ball"! A motor skill is a learned sequence of movements that combine to produce a smooth, efficient action in order to master a particular task. The development of motor skill occurs in the motor cortex, the region of the cerebral cortex that controls voluntary muscle groups.I have had a core group of my 6th grade boys since they were in 1st grade and we are just NOW seeing them develop in this area.
Having coached 100 games this summer you would think that my coaching staff is burnt out. There is something about summer hoops that makes it fly by. The 100 degree gyms, the coaching in flip flops and the walking into the gym with your shades on is why I love summer ball. Everyone gets playing time in summer ball, sub 5 in and 5 out, its the one time of the year that losing doesn't really matter. It's about the process, reaching maximum potential and summer ball is just an inch of that milestone!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Letter of Resignation
This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as the head girl’s basketball coach. I enjoyed my time while at Emerson and feel grateful for the knowledge and friendships that I have gained. Four years ago you took a chance and hired me to be part of your staff, I came into the high school as an enthusiastic young coach and it was a dream come true for me. That dream came true thanks to you! I’ve wanted to be a coach since my last high school game when I was 17 years old. I have spent almost every waking moment since spring 2008, when you hired me, doing everything I can to make the school proud of our program. I have tried my best to have an impact on the young women who came through the doors every day and put in the work to be a part of our program.
I am resigning from my current position as head coach from Emerson High School because I do not think I can pursue my position here to my fullest potential. I think the limitations and external factors have been too big of a distraction to continue a successful program. I do not think it is fair to anyone if I stayed just to be a “stipend” coach. I could never just show up and perform a task with out putting duties in that go above and beyond the job description. I have been offered and accepted a position at St. Thomas Aquinas College where I will pursue my qualifications and anticipate growing the game.
I will miss working with you very much as you have provided me with many opportunities to both learn and contribute. The appreciation that I have for CAVO NATION is immeasurable. I have been blessed to work with the finest administration and student body. Your mentoring and support have been invaluable to my progress. I will also miss many of my coworkers and take many positive memories with me to my new position.
I offer best wishes for a positive future. Please call on me if there is anything I can do to help ease the transition for the new coach. Again, I am excited about my new opportunity, but sad to leave. You are a wonderful subordinate and I will always be grateful.
Jenny Jurjevic
Head Girls Basketball Coach
2008 - 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Best Compliment Ever!
Girls basketball roundtable
Playing With Energy, Practicing with Energy....
Thursday, March 29, 2012
This blog was inspired by a hand out emailed to me by University Of Washington in Michael Neighbors Basketball New Letter.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Winning Streaks

Our 16 game winning streak was broken right before the County Tournament. We were one of the few, if not the only team in Bergen County left to be undefeated. I try to stay as realistic as possible, I know we were not going to go the entire season undefeated. "WE GOT HOT EARLY". I was anticipating a loss, just not the way we ended up losing. Down by 2 points at half, we were still in it! You hear coaches say this all the time, "We didn't have enough energy/enthusiasm to withstand the loss" and this was exactly the case for #EMERSON. My kids were flat but everyone is entitled to a bad game. I always thought I was lucky because we had 5 kids in the scoring rotation, really anyone could pick us up at any given time, like they had the last 16 games. Unfortunately this was not the case for game #17 verse one of our biggest rivals, Cresskill.