The Best Do Ordinary Things Better Than Everyone Else:
It's really about doing the little thing over time 10%, 5% , or even 1% better than everyone else. Its the little things that separate the best from the rest. Practicing those basic fundamentals over and over has brought our program a step up after 2 years. 5 % of an athletes life is made up of the actual game day performance, 95% is made up of the time spent preparing and waiting to perform. Im a huge believer in "Its how you prepare for game day that makes you perform so well, not your actual performance on that game day".
Training Camp by Jon Gordan is a fable about excellence. Are your athletes willing to pay the price with countless hours of hard work on the court and off the court? I think my kids are willing to pay the price, but I do not think they are self motivated and self disciplined. With out being pushed they would not be working out once a week on their skills, lifting twice a week to prevent injury and playing in their sunday league on their own. I wish they understood that your suppose to spend thousands of hours in the weight room, training in the off season, conditioning during the week, studying film, going over plays and so on. I emphasize the importance of quality they put into the short periods of work they give me during the week.
Whats your Game Day Principle? Mine is to prepare. This fall we have been preparing with a treadmill work out I got from Alan Stein and Individual Skill work. I asked each kid to complete the treadmill run with in a month and work out once a week on their skill set with sheet attached to the left to compliment their sunday league.
Starting next week we are on to the next treadmill work out and will start open gyms with our Freshman, JV and Varsity kids.
Season is around the corner and I am excited as ever.